Maniac Wolf / Frozen Fox

I love her. Really.
Truly love her.
Did you believe me?

I'm a computer nerd before.
Until I've met and know her.
It's the first time I fall in love.
But she doesn't want to be involved.

She puts her effort into her study.
I'm left alone and cold, pity.
On valentine's I give her present and flower.
But to win her heart, I don't have the power.

It's seems to me that I have fail.
Full of tears, cries, howls and wail.

I couldn't have lived without her.
But now I have my lovely computer.
Into my future I put my hope.
Get my hand on the keyboard, let's code.

a poem by Maniac Wolf/Frozen Fox [Maniac Wolf website] [Frozen Fox website]

PS - It's truly the first time I fall in love. Now I'm looking for a second one. ;-)